
Shapes are the basic building blocks of PCBmodE. Here’s an example of a shape type path:

  "type": "path",
  "layers": ["bottom"],
  "location": [3.1, -5.667],
  "stroke-width": 1.2,
  "style": "stroke",
  "value": "m -48.3,0 0,-5.75 c 0,-1.104569 0.895431,-2 2,-2 0,0 11.530272,-0.555504 17.300001,-0.5644445 10.235557,-0.015861 20.4577816,0.925558 30.6933324,0.9062128 C 10.767237,-7.4253814 19.826085,-8.3105055 28.900004,-8.3144445 34.703053,-8.3169636 46.3,-7.75 46.3,-7.75 c 1.103988,0.035813 2,0.895431 2,2 l 0,5.75 0,5.75 c 0,1.104569 -0.895431,2 -2,2 0,0 -11.596947,0.5669636 -17.399996,0.5644445 C 19.826085,8.3105055 10.767237,7.4253814 1.6933334,7.4082317 -8.5422174,7.3888865 -18.764442,8.3303051 -28.999999,8.3144445 -34.769728,8.305504 -46.3,7.75 -46.3,7.75 c -1.103982,-0.036019 -2,-0.895431 -2,-2 l 0,-5.75"

This will place an SVG path as a stroke with width 1.2 mm at location x=3.1 and y=5.667. The shape will be placed on the bottom layer of the PCB.

Shape types

For each shape a type must be defined. Below are the available shapes.


Below is an example of a filled rectangle with rounded corners except for the top left corner.

  "type": "rect",
  "layers": ["top"],
  "width": 1.7,
  "height": 1.7,
  "location": [6, 7.2],
  "radii": {"tl": 0,
            "tr": 0.3,
            "bl": 0.3,
            "br": 0.3},
  "rotate": 15,
  "style": "fill"
rect: place a rectangle
layers (optional; default ["top"])
list: layers to place the shape on (even if placing on a single layer, the definition needs to be in a form of a list)
float: width of the rectangle
float: height of the rectangle
location (optional; default [0,0])
list: x and y coordinates for where to place the shape
radii (optional)
dict: radius of round corners tl: top left radius, tr: top right radius, bl: bottom left radius, br: bottom right radius,
rotate (optional; default 0)
float: rotation, clock-wise degrees
style (optional; default depends on sheet)
stroke or fill: style of the shape
stroke-width (optional; default depends on sheet; ignored unless style is stroke)
float: stroke width
buffer-to-pour (optional; defaults to global setting)
float: custom buffer from shape to copper pour; 0 for no buffer


Below is an example of a circle outline of diameter 1.7 mm and stroke width of 0.23 mm

  "type": "circle",
  "layers": ["bottom"],
  "location": [-3.2, -6],
  "diameter": 1.7,
  "style": "stroke"
  "stroke-width": 0.23
circle: place a circle
layers (optional; default ["top"])
list: layers to place the shape on (even if placing on a single layer, the definition needs to be in a form of a list)
location (optional; default [0,0])
list: x and y coordinates for where to place the shape
float: diameter of circle
style (optional; default depends on sheet)
stroke or fill: style of the shape
stroke-width (optional; default depends on sheet; ignored unless style is stroke)
float: stroke width
buffer-to-pour (optional; defaults to global setting)
float: custom buffer from shape to copper pour; 0 for no buffer


Other than simple shapes above, and SVG path can be placed.

  "type": "path",
  "layers": ["top","bottom"],
  "location": [3.1, 5.667],
  "stroke-width": 1.2,
  "style": "stroke",
  "rotate": 23,
  "scale": 1.2,
  "value": "m -48.3,0 0,-5.75 c 0,-1.104569 0.895431,-2 2,-2 0,0 11.530272,-0.555504 17.300001,-0.5644445 10.235557,-0.015861 20.4577816,0.925558 30.6933324,0.9062128 C 10.767237,-7.4253814 19.826085,-8.3105055 28.900004,-8.3144445 34.703053,-8.3169636 46.3,-7.75 46.3,-7.75 c 1.103988,0.035813 2,0.895431 2,2 l 0,5.75 0,5.75 c 0,1.104569 -0.895431,2 -2,2 0,0 -11.596947,0.5669636 -17.399996,0.5644445 C 19.826085,8.3105055 10.767237,7.4253814 1.6933334,7.4082317 -8.5422174,7.3888865 -18.764442,8.3303051 -28.999999,8.3144445 -34.769728,8.305504 -46.3,7.75 -46.3,7.75 c -1.103982,-0.036019 -2,-0.895431 -2,-2 l 0,-5.75"
path: place an SVG path
path: in SVG this is the d property of a <path>
layers (optional; default ["top"])
list: layers to place the shape on (even if placing on a single layer, the definition needs to be in a form of a list)
location (optional; default [0,0])
list: x and y coordinates for where to place the shape
float: diameter of circle
style (optional; default depends on sheet)
stroke or fill: style of the shape
stroke-width (optional; default depends on sheet; ignored unless style is stroke)
float: stroke width
rotate (optional; default 0)
float: rotation, clock-wise degrees
scale (optional; default 1)
float: scale factor to apply to the path
buffer-to-pour (optional; defaults to global setting)
float: custom buffer from shape to copper pour; 0 for no buffer


Placing a text shape is covered in Text.